Military Days

cross-country: |
Nagyl |
1. Hely |
Zara d'Argent, Fatal Coyote, Silver Story, Damian of Supreme Mysery, Hadfi V Dezs, Fit for Fun, Mary Sue, Breaker of Chains, North Pole, Midnight Ghost Qahira, Vangelios, Toy Story, Faerie Dianimo, Mighty Highlight, Gaudanam, Long Island |
2. Hely |
Captain Eggnog, Leroy d'Ecaussines, PN Lacoste Bandit, Breakthrough, Renee's Glowing Gem, Song of the Sky, Valeroso Ibn La'Ahad, Karabek Anchar, Snow Freckles, Cosmos de Centaur, Banshee, Ready One, Time Expired, Double W |
3. Hely |
Nevereverland's King, Iced Camparia Sangria, Jazzman, Mighty Nice, Ebra Emira ibn Gamil, Mischief Managed, Crazy in Love, Hidden Hunting, Blue Diamond, Rioghan Rua, Vasilly de Lassos, Giorgio Armani, Touch the Sun |
Pni |
1. Hely |
Diabolical Creature, Van Heinrich, Anatol , Freaky Frodo, Migall |
2. Hely |
Sub-Zero, Bob Marley, Something Spacial, Playboy |
3. Hely |
It's My Playground, Frosted Witch, Scooby Doo |
djugrats: |
Nagyl |
1. Hely |
Nevereverland's King, Zara d'Argent, Fatal Coyote, Silver Story, PN Lacoste Bandit, Jazzman, Mighty Nice, Mary Sue, Mischief Managed, Breaker of Chains, North Pole, Midnight Ghost Qahira, Valeroso Ibn La'Ahad, Vangelios, Giorgio Armani, Touch the Sun, Time Expired, Double W |
2. Hely |
Iced Camparia Sangria, Captain Eggnog, Renee's Glowing Gem, Fit for Fun, Hidden Hunting, Song of the Sky, Snow Freckles, Toy Story, Faerie Dianimo, Rioghan Rua, Cosmos de Centaur, Mighty Highlight, Ready One |
3. Hely |
Leroy d'Ecaussines, Breakthrough, Damian of Supreme Mysery, Hadfi V Dezs, Crazy in Love, Karabek Anchar, Vasilly de Lassos, Banshee, Gaudanam, Long Island |
Pni |
1. Hely |
Diabolical Creature, It's My Playground, Sub-Zero, Migall, Scooby Doo |
2. Hely |
Anatol, Something Spacial, Frosted Witch, Freaky Frodo |
3. Hely |
Van Heinrich, Bob Marley, Playboy |
djlovagls: |
Nagyl |
1. Hely |
Nevereverland's King, Silver Story, Mighty Nice, Renee's Glowing Gem, Hadfi V Dezs, Fit for Fun, Ebra Emira ibn Gamil, Hidden Hunting, Breaker of Chains, Midnight Ghost Qahira, Vangelios, Toy Story, Rioghan Rua, Giorgio Armani, Ready One, Gaudanam, Long Island |
2. Hely |
Leroy d'Ecaussines, Fatal Coyote, PN Lacoste Bandit, Jazzman, Damian of Supreme Mysery, Mary Sue, Mischief Managed, Crazy in Love, Karabek Anchar, Snow Freckles, Cosmos de Centaur, Touch the Sun, Time Expired, Double W |
3. Hely |
Zara d'Argent, Iced Camparia Sangria, Captain Eggnog, Breakthrough, Song of the Sky, North Pole, Faerie Dianimo, Vasilly de Lassos |
Pni |
1. Hely |
Diabolical Creature, Van Heinrich, Bob Marley, Something Spacial, Migall |
2. Hely |
Anatol, Sub-Zero, Freaky Frodo, Playboy |
3. Hely |
Frosted Witch, Scooby Doo |
kllem: |
Mn |
1. Hely |
Captain Eggnog, Mighty Nice, Hadfi V Dezs, Breaker of Chains, Midnight Ghost Qahira, Karabek Anchar, Gaudanam |
2. Hely |
Nevereverland's King, Jazzman, Mischief Managed, Valeroso Ibn La'Ahad, Vangelios, Toy Story, Time Expired |
3. Hely |
PN Lacoste Bandit, Song of the Sky, Blue Diamond, Snow Freckles, Vasilly de Lassos, Giorgio Armani, Double W |
Kanca |
1. Hely |
Fit for Fun, Ebra Emira ibn Gamil, Faerie Dianimo, Long Island |
2. Hely |
Mary Sue, Touch the Sun |
3. Hely |
Iced Camparia Sangria, Crazy in Love, Rioghan Rua |
Pni |
1. Hely |
Van Heinrich, Anatol, Sub-Zero, Playboy, Migall |
2. Hely |
It's My Playground, Bob Marley, Frosted Witch, Scooby Doo |
3. Hely |
Diabolical Creature, Something Spacial, Freaky Frodo |
1. Hely: BEST cm
+ 70.000 lp
2. Hely: NICE cm
+ 50.000 lp
3. Hely: GOOD cm
+ 30.000 lp
abszolt gyztes: ELITE cm
+ 30.000 lp
+ 1. hely nyeremnyei